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TI-Writer is a word processor program created by Texas Instruments (TI) for the TI-99/4A home computer system. It was released during the third quarter of 1982 as part number PHM 3111 which sold originally for $99.95 (USD). It was released as a Solid State SoftwareTM Command Module cartridge, but requires either a cassette or floppy disk add-on system in order to save files created, and a printer in order to print documents.

TI-Writer Manual Cover
TI-Writer Manual (Front Cover) [1]
Publisher(s) Texas Instruments (TI)
Original Retail Price $99.95 (USD)
Part# PHM 3111
Format(s) Solid State SoftwareTM Command Module
Release 1982 (3rd Quarter)
Genre(s) Word Processor

Advertising Blurbs

Front Cover of Manual Binder

Brings many features of large word processors to the TI-99/4A Home Computer, including text editing, search and replace, overstriking, and more.

Front Cover of Manual

The Tl-WRITER Word Processor is designed to bring many of the features of large word processors to users of the Tl-99/4A Home Computer.

■ Screen-oriented editor with full cursor control.
■ 30 editing operations, 24 format commands.
■ Global or local search and replace.
■ Oops! feature for text recovery.
■ Automatic paragraph indentation.
■ 23,000-character text buffer.
■ Margins and tab settings saved with the document.
■ Two print modes: formatted and unformatted.
■ Overstriking, underscoring, right-margin justification, headers, footers and more available with the Text Formatter.
■ Mail List (form letter) option from keyboard or file input.
■ Supports RS232 or Parallel 1/0 printers, either dot matrix or letter quality.

The Tl Disk Memory System (Disk Controller and one to three Disk Drives), Memory Expansion unit, RS232 Interface unit, and an RS232-compatible printer are required to operate this software.

Triton Catalog Fall 1984

Superb TI-99/4A cartridge version of software of the most popular home computer application of all: word processing. Program includes many features usually only found in software for more expensive computers. Tl-Writer edits and formats . . . inserts and deletes text and lines. Automatically indents paragraphs, justifies right margin, wraps words, overstrikes and underlines, moves and copies text. Documents its own re-formatting. Expands the display to 40 columns and scrolls horizontally to allow full 80- character lines. (Requires Disk System, 32K Memory Expansion, Printer and RS232 Interface.)


Using This Manual

This manu al has been divided into two parts: a user's guide section and a reference guide section.

User's Guide

o Package Overview - a brief description of TI-WRITER and a list of required computer equipment.
o Special Features - highlights of special features of TI-WRITER.
o Getting Started - how to set up and use TI-WRITER.

*For Best Results*

Begin using TI-WRITER with the next two sections:

o Using the Text Editor - a step-by-step "how to."
o Using the Text Formatter - a step-by-step "how to."

Reference Guide

o Text Editor - a detailed explanation of functions and features of the Text Editor.
o Text Formatter - a detailed explanation of features and use of the Text Formatter.
o Setting Up Your Printer - how to use different types of printers with TI-WRITER, including the TI-99/4 Printer (sold separately).
o In Case of Difficulty
o Quick Reference - a summary of important reference points.
o Glossary - common computer and word processing terms.
o Index - a topical listing for quick and easy reference.
o Warranty Information

Package Overview

Welcome to the world of Word Processing!

The TI-WRITER Word Processor Solid State Cartridge and Program Diskette are designed to bring many of the features of large word processors to users of the TI-99/4A Home Computer. Inserting and deleting text and lines, automatic paragraph indentation, right-margin justification, automatic word wrapping, overstriking and underlining, moving and copying lines of text, and document reformatting are just some of the features of this easy-to-use software package.

What kind of documents can you create with TI-WRITER? You'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to create any type of document with the TI-WRITER Word Processor. This manual was written with TI-WRITER. With the exception of graphic art, special graphics, and large type headings, the masters for printing this manual were prepared from copy produced with TI-WRITER and a letter-quality printer.

Create, edit, and save your document with the Text Editor. You may print directly from the Text Editor. Or, insert format commands in your text, save the document on a diskette, and print from the powerful Text Formatter.

To use the TI-WRITER Word Processor, you need:

o The TI-WRITER Word Processor Cartridge and Program Diskette (both are required).
o The TI-99/4A Console (TI-WRITER will not work with the TI-99/4 Console).
o The TI Color Monitor (or a TI Video Modulator and a standard television).
o The TI Disk Hemory Drive (one required, up to three optional).
o The TI Peripheral Expansion system with the following cards:
- Memory Expansion Card
- Disk Controller Card
- RS232 Interface Card
o An RS232-compatible printer.

Stand-alone peripherals may be used instead of any or all of the

Peripheral Expansion System Peripheral Cards.



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