Indoor Soccer

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Indoor Soccer is a sports-related video game created for the TI-99/4A home computer system. It was programmed by Roger Tilbury and released during the fourth quarter of 1980 on Solid State SoftwareTM Command Module cartridge. It was given part #: PHM 3024 and originally sold for $29.95 (USD).

Indoor Soccer
Indoor Soccer Manual Front Cover
Indoor Soccer Manual (Front Cover)[1] [2]
Publisher(s) Texas Instruments (TI)
Original Retail Price $29.95 (USD)
Programmer(s) Roger Tilbury
Part# PHM 3024
Format(s) Solid State SoftwareTM Command Module
Release 1980 (4th Quarter)
Genre(s) Sports



Advertising Blurb

Front Cover of Manual

All the excitement of live soccer in your home. The most realistic soccer game yet devised, with all the fun of the real game.

Back Cover of Manual

Indoor Soccer is a game for two people of any age. The module provides all the realism of a Five-a-Side Indoor Soccer game by following the generally recognized rules of the game. You simply move your players to score goals.

Soccer module features include:

  • Dribbles, passes, and tackles
  • Shots, saves, and goals
  • Fouls, free kicks, and penalties
  • Action replay after goals
  • Scoreboard with automatic clock

Activities in this module are also designed to work with the optional Wired Remote Controllers available for your computer providing added flexibility in playing the game.

Triton Catalog - Spring 1984

Computerized five-on-a-side version. Control all the players . . . decide when to pass, shoot, intercept, save, tackle, and use other skillful tactics. For players 8 and up. (Wired Remote Controllers recommended.)



Soccer is becoming more popular everyday as a U.S. sport. Now, the Indoor Soccer Solid State SoftwareTM Command Module brings the excitement and challenge of an actual soccer game into your home.

The module has been designed to follow the generally recognized rules of the Five-a-Side Indoor Soccer game and has all the features that make the actual game so much fun to play. Because the playing field is surrounded by walls, there are no interruptions for throw-ins or corner kicks. There is also no offside rule to worry about.

Movement of the players on the screen can be controlled by the Wired Remote Controllers or from the keyboard. For Soccer, certain keys on both sides of the keyboard are designated as directional keys:

Indoor Soccer Keyboard Usage

Getting Started

When you select Soccer, the module's title screen appears. If you want to skip the title screen and begin the game, press any key. The game set-up screen then appears.

Indoor Soccer Team Name Screenshot

Game Setup

First you are asked to enter the name for Team 1. The name can be up to 8 letters and numbers long. The flashing square (called the "cursor") indicates the position of the next character. Team 1, on the left, wears blue, and the screen border is colored blue to remind you of this. When you finish typing the first team name, press ENTER.

The cursor now moves to the next line so that you can enter the second team name. The screen border turns red, since Team 2 wears red. Press ENTER when the team name is complete. You are now asked to enter the length of the game. Type any number from 1 to 99, and press ENTER.

While entering the team names and length of game, you can correct any mistakes (before pressing ENTER for length of game) with SHIFT G (LEFT). SHIFT G (RIGHT). SHIFT C (CLEAR). SHIFT Z (BACK). and SHIFT R (REDO). To move the cursor without erasing or changing the displayed data, press SHIFT ← or SHIFT →. Pressing SHIFT C clears the line being typed and moves the cursor back to the start of that line, while pressing SHIFT Z clears all the lines on the screen and returns the cursor to the start of the first line. Press SHIFT R to place the cursor at the start of the first line without erasing any of the characters you've typed.

After you have entered the desired game length, the playing screen appears.



External Links