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Demolition Division

1,282 bytes added, 02:40, 24 April 2020
Operating the Guns with Joysticks
''Note'': The '''ALPHA LOCK''' must be in the OFF position (up) when joysticks are used.
====Length of Time of the Game====
When the game has been played for the time period selected, the game ends and the RECORD YOUR SCORE screen appears. To begin another game, press any key or press '''AID''' to change game options. (''Note'': If the three cannons are destroyed before the time limit of the game runs out, the game is also over.)
====Score Keeping====
Demolition Division keeps score of hits and misses in two ways. As the game is played, hits and misses are tallied one by one in the scorekeeping area at the bottom of the screen. At the conclusion of the game, the RECORD YOUR SCORE screen appears, showing total hits and misses for the game just completed, the lowest score, and highest score for each session.
====Changing Play in the Middle of a Game====
To alter the options during the game, press '''T''' to terminate the game. When the RECORD YOUR SCORE screen appears, press '''AID''' to change any options and to begin a new game.
====Continuing Play at the End of a Game====
When the Record Your Score screen appears, press any key to begin playing again or press '''AID''' and choose any of the options available with Demolition Division. For example, you might choose to increase the speed at which the game is run or lengthen the time of play.

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