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Demolition Division

770 bytes added, 02:31, 24 April 2020
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[[File:Demolition Division Game Controls Screen.png|400px|center|thumb|Demolition Division Game Control Options screen]]
Follow the steps below to select the game options you want.
# Press the number of the Game Control Option you wish to change. The cursor then moves to the line for that Game Control Option and flashes alternately with the previously selected number or letter.
# Type the number or letter of the variation you want for that option.
# Change as many options as you want.
# When you have completed your selections, press 5 to EXIT GAME CONTROL and to return to the instruction screen. Press any key to begin the game, which is now programmed according to your chosen options.
''Note'': Pressing '''QUIT''' resets the computer to the preset options for the game. For example, if you want to use joysticks, you must select the joystick option when you first begin to play.

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