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Demolition Division

1,888 bytes added, 03:04, 23 April 2020
From the Front Cover
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===A Note To Parents===
Developmental Learning Materials and Jerry Chaffin and Bill Maxwell of the University of Kansas have developed six programs to help your child learn the four basic math operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Four programs emphasize each of the math operations, and two programs develop discrimination between math operations by presenting problems in both addition and subtraction or in multiplication and division. In all six programs, an arcade game format uses colorful graphics and lively action to create an exciting, involving atmosphere for learning.
Demolition Division, one of the six Solid State Cartridges, can help your child increase speed and accuracy in division problems with answers from 0 to 9. Demolition Division is learning combined with fun. By playing the game, your child learns and improves essential division skills. The arcade game format of Demolition Division is a fast-paced, battleground version of attackers versus defenders. Green tanks that have division problems on their sides are the attackers. The defenders are a battery of four blue guns, each controlled by your child, that "equalize" the tanks with the correct answer. Different levels of skill and problem difficulty challenge your child to improve speed and accuracy. Demolition Division's colorful graphics and "electronic" sound effects enhance the action and add to the excitement.
As the game is played, the total of "hits" (correct answers) and "misses" (incorrect answers) is continuously updated and displayed at the bottom of the screen. At the end of the game a RECORD YOUR SCORE screen appears, giving the totals for that game and the lowest and highest game totals for the session. But whatever the score, your child is gaining valuable practice in solving simple division problems each time she or he plays Demolition Division.

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