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Demolition Division

242 bytes added, 14:24, 22 April 2020
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| released = [[:Category:1983 Software|1983 (1st Quarter)]]<ref>{{cite web|title=TI99ers On-Line User Group: TI-99 Cartridge Listing|url=}}</ref>
| genre = [[:Category:Educational|Educational]], [[:Category:Mathematics|Mathematics]]
| price = $2939.95 (USD)<ref>{{cite web|title=TI99ers On-Line User Group: TI-99 Cartridge Listing|url=}}</ref>
'''Demolition Division''' is an educational software title aimed at students learning simple division facts with answers ranging from 0 to 9. Demolition Division is a collaborative effort between [[Developmental Learning Materials|Developmental Learning Materials (DLM)]] and [[Texas Instruments|Texas Instruments (TI)]]. DLM created several educational titles they termed Arcademic software, an amalgamation of the words arcade and academic. The intent of these Arcademic titles was to make the program entertaining enough to keep the learners playing for long periods of time.It was released in the [[:Category 1983 Software|first quarter of 1983]] on [[Solid State Software Command Module|Solid State Software<sup>TM</sup> Command Module]] cartridge. It originally retailed for $39.95 (USD) and was co-programmed by

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